Meet Dayna

Hello Fellow Mama!

I am so happy you are considering me to be a part of your birthing journey. It is an absolute honor and privilege to be serving mamas in one of their most overwhelming, yet beautiful experiences of their lives. 

I wanted to take a moment to share with you a little bit about myself! (Just to break the ice a bit!)

I am a wife and mother of three children. I have been married to my husband for a decade and our children are 8 and under. Currently, I am a stay-at-home, homeschool mom who is nearly finished with her doula certification. 

As a Christian, my heart and desire has always been to serve others in everything I do.  Not that I can do this on my own strength, but by the grace of God, He will use me to serve and bless others (Ephesians 3:20; 1 Peter 4:10-11). As a mom, I’ve learned that community and support from fellow mamas has helped me push forward and give me peace knowing I am not alone in my struggles. 

My hope is that not only can I support you and your partner in your birth, but also empower, uplift, encourage, and pray for you as you prepare before and continue onto the parenting journey afterwards.